Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunny Snowy Trash the Dress-Parry Sound Wedding Photographer

Winter months in Ontario can be pretty long and cold. Every time winter comes around I go into hibernation mode. You know, the I-am-not-going-out-unless-it's-an-emergency attitude? People always ask me why I live where I do because Parry Sound is notorious for getting huge amounts of snow before January, and then after January we get freezing cold temperature's. Our winter's usually last until at least April (beginning of or mid), no matter what that precious groundhog says on February 2nd. So being a photographer in Muskoka can be somewhat slow from about January until April, it's a great down time to catch up on all things business wise. It gives me time to mull over certain projects and to think things through and research (a lot) before I go ahead with something. I have so many things that I am going to be getting into doing over the next year, it makes me excited to get going. I am one of those people who likes something done immediately, not later or some other time, NOW. I get a little anxious and excited.... what can I say?

So what does a photographer do in the winter months other then think about and research business? We get back to the root of our entire business.... shooting. Every photographer loves shooting(obviously ;)) but unfortunately shooting only accounts for about 20% of our business. The rest is filled with editing, bookings, fulfilling client orders, meetings, etc, etc. Last week I was starting to get the itch, you know to shoot something or someone. Particularly I wanted to do a TTD session. TTD is code for trash the dress... hehe. Facebook is an awesome form of free advertising. I often think to myself, what did I ever do before Facebook?? So I had many former brides offering to be my model, but many were going out of town. Then came along my friend Kristie. She is just all sorts of cute-ness. We made a date and out-a-shooting we went! Thankfully it wasn't freezing cold and it turned into a beautiful day!  Here are some of those images from yesterday's shoot.

This was spray-painted on the building, I thought it was so appropriate!

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